
Posts Tagged ‘basis of our faith’

The Foundation of Faith

March 18, 2011 Leave a comment


The Foundation of Faith is not what but who?


“The Foundation of Christianity is not our experience and knowledge of God. The Foundation of Christian Faith is a person, named Jesus.”


This is what we believe and this is also the foundation of our Faith. It’s not a thing or an Idea, He’s a person name Jesus. Who was more than two thousand years ago, proclaimed He is the Son of God, the savior of the lost, was crucified and brought to life by God after 3 days.


That is all that there is in our faith. What drove us to believe is because of that foundation. The very Jesus who was crucified and was raised from the dead, defeating death by His own blood and that whomsoever believes in Him shall not be perished but have everlasting life.


To know God is to look upon the life of Jesus. He certainly represented God and what God is up to us. We can’t deny what has been already told and written.  It was a thousand years ago and until know we are still touched by what he did. This Foundation changed a lot of lives, changed how people should face the world. Through this foundation we can stand firm against death and suffering because he had already overcome them and that we are also to overcome this by faith in Him.


You will not appreciate these things unless you go to God not on your terms and conditions on how you will believe Him. Christianity is not there to answer all the deepest cry of this world about pain, sickness and suffering. God has taken it to the cross and for once and for all, He proved that he loves us. The cross is the ultimate expression of God’s love and the answer to all the problem of this world. That’s why the person on that cross is the foundation of our faith in God. No other and nothing else.

